Wednesday 7 October 2015


Keeping scores in relationships is one of the unhealthiest things ever, especially if you want yours to end in marriage.
When you keep scores, it makes you unhappy, bitter and a lesser person, because you’ll always feel you’ve done so much for your partner who should return the favor.
This could ultimately lead to the untimely demise of your relationship if you don’t discard that score sheet in your head.
According to All Women Stalk, here are a few ways keeping scores destroys you and your relationship:
1. You think of all the wrong things your partner has done:Work towards focusing on the right things they have done. No relationship is perfect which is why a balance must be found to work at the wrong things and improve the right things.
2. You feel you are better than your partner: You become bitter and the lesser person when your keeping scores makes you believe that you are a better person than your partner and forget your bad traits too. Finding happiness in each other is all that matters.
3. Keeping scores distracts you from all the good things in your relationship: You end up cheating yourself out of the good things your partner has to offer you. Let your attention be on the good if you truly love your partner and are in your relationship for the long haul.
4. You prevent your relationship from taking a shot at success: Keeping scores doesn’t bring you closer to your partner rather it drives you farther apart from them. It prevents you from also experiencing what true love feels like.
5. You keep comparing other relationships to yours: Keeping scores in your relationship means comparing yourself to your partner, then you proceed to comparing other people’s relationships too. This becomes really disturbing because you can’t truly have fun in your relationship. You steal your own joy and blame others for your misfortune.


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