Saturday, 3 October 2015

Doctors Say Bl0W JObs Are Good For Women’s Health And Helps Fight Depression! Here Is The Proof…..

Oral s 8 x is good for women’s health and makes you feel happier, according to a study which studied the effects of semen’s ‘mood-altering chemicals’.

The State University of New York study – which scientists carried out via survey rather than through practical experiment – compared the s 8 x lives of 293 females to their mental health.
It follows research which shows that seminal fluid contains chemicals that elevates mood, increases affection, induces sleep and also contains at least three anti-depressants.

Given these ingredients – and this is just a small sample of the mind-altering ‘drugs’ found in human semen – Researchers Gallup and Burch, along with the psychologist Steven Platek, hypothesised that women having unprotected s 8 x should be less depressed than suitable control participants.To investigate whether semen has antidepressant effects, the authors rounded up 293 college females from the university’s Albany campus, who agreed to fill out an anonymous questionnaire about various aspects of their s 8 x lives.Recent s 8 xual activity without c0 nd om s was used as an indirect measure of seminal plasma circulating in the woman’s body.

Well I’ll be ****ing damned. If you think I haven’t already CTRL + P this article and am not walking to the copy machine store to get this shit mother ****ing laminated, you must not know me very well. I’m carrying this shit around with me everywhere I go and I highly suggest you do the same fellas. Like in this day and age with all these ****ing organic markets popping up and yoga and fitness being the new thing, ladies will eat this shit up.“Oh what, the news said bl0 wjobs are healthy? I guess a little sperm never hurt anyone.”I’ve never had s 8 x with a girl that was willing to swallow my baby batter, but thats almost the only porn on my iPad. So the next girl stupid enough to come along my way is gonna be one healthy bi tch.
  1. Damn I would’ve loved to have been in on this study. “Sorry DR. Jones, but do you mind if I view the experiment. I’d like to verify my hypothesis with yours. Had lots of oysters and dark chocolate for breakfast.”

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