Monday 5 October 2015

simple ways to attract a girl without talking to her

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How to Get a Girl to Notice You Without Talking To Her
By Gerry Sanders
Want to make a perfect impression on a girl without even talking to her? Use these 8 tips on how to get a girl to notice you and you’ll do just that!
Do you like a girl, but just don’t know how to talk to her or even get her to notice you?
If you have the time and the patience, there are some pretty easy ways to get any girl to notice you and make a great impression at the same time.
Have you bumped into a girl you find attractive in a place you frequent?
It may be at work, in the corridors of college or even in a café that you frequent.
When you like a girl who frequents the same place as you, it’s not always the best idea to walk up to her and use a pick up line.
After all, both of you are going to bump in often, and if she turns you down, you’ll always feel like a loser when she walks past you the next time around.
But if it’s a one off opportunity you have to talk to a girl you like, use these tips on how to talk to a girl and impress her to charm her.
How to get a girl to notice you
If you like a girl who bumps into you now and then, it’s always better to get her to notice you first before you walk up to her and charm her pants off.
By doing that, you’d be playing it safer, she’d be more familiar with you and your presence, and with any luck and a few tips here, you could probably make her like you without even saying hello!
8 ways to get a girl you like to notice you
Sometimes, the girl you like may never even notice you or realize you exist. Well, it can hurt your ego, but this does happen at times and you just have to get out of that slump.
If you want to get a girl to notice you and like you, you need to look for ways to catch her attention. [Read: Easy tips to get a girl’s attention wherever you are]
Just use these 8 tips for starters, and you’ll definitely get a girl to notice you and even like you even before you talk to her.
#1 Be the center of attention. You walk into her often. But if you want her attention, you need to be the center of everyone’s attention. Be fun and have your friends around you, especially when the girl you like walks by. Groups of people always get more attention than a single you skulking in a corner.
You may assume that you’d get lost in the group, but even when you’re with your friends, your infectious attitude and fun persona can make you stand apart from the rest. [Read: 10 tips to look good while trying to get someone’s attention]
#2 Dress well. Dress smart. When you dress like a million bucks in clothes that fit you and look great on you while accentuating your assets at the same time, you’re bound to get the attention you want.
Don’t be afraid to look unique or different, just as long as what you wear looks good on you. But don’t dress up just to get attention. There’s a thin line between looking good and looking for attention. It’s a good start to let the girl you like know that you’re a guy who can groom hims
#7 Hang out in the same place. If you occasionally bump into this girl at the same place now and then, be it in the office cafeteria or the parking lot, make sure you spend a while in the same place with your own friends. The easiest way to make a girl notice you and feel comfortable around you is by being seen in her favorite hangouts.
#8 Bump into her outside work. Once you’ve created enough opportunities to bump into her around your workplace, it’s time to talk to her. Use your common friends or her online activities and get to know when she’s going to some new place, be it a party or somewhere else with her friends. Make sure you get there with your own friends or by yourself, making sure she has no idea that the whole thing was planned ahead.
When you see her at the same place and catch her eye, just look at her for a second and appear confused like you don’t know whether to say hi or not. And then, just smile at her or use a half smile laced with surprise. If she’s seen you enough times already and is familiar with you, she’ll definitely notice you and smile back at you too!
And once you use these surefire tips on how to get a girl to notice you, use these conversation tips on what to say to a girl you like while talking to her to create the perfect impression and make her like you back in no time.


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