Monday 26 October 2015


Facelifts and implants, liposuction and nose jobs – this sounds like a checklist for Hollywood, doesn’t it? For so long, plastic surgery has been a way for celebrities to prevent the signs of aging and forever maintain their handsome good looks and girlish figures. With the demands of fame and the fact that the camera adds 10 pounds, we can’t seem to blame anyone for wanting a little help after gravity starts to work overtime.
While average people often opt for plastic surgery, going under the knife for implants and tucks is almost a prerequisite for being a Hollywood star. In fact, as critics spent their time whispering about the latest Hollywood goddess’s nose job, male celebs slipped by the camera without too much attention. That is, until recently.
 The high demands of looking good in Hollywood no longer only affect women. Today, many male celebs are opting for plastic surgery to help ease the pains of aging in such a harsh and critical world. From liposuction to jawline reconstructions, Hollywood’s hottest celebs are going under the knife for just about anything that may help them look hotter, sexier and yes, even younger. In fact, we found 10 male celebrities whose plastic surgery before and after photos will leave you shocked but we’ll let you decide if these are success stories or botched jobs of epic proportions!

#10 – Mickey Rourke

Mickey-RourkeLegendary actor, retired boxer and notorious Hollywood bad boy, Mickey Rourke first became a household name in the 1980s after starring in Diner, The Pope of Greenwich Village and 9 ½ Weeks. After early success in drama, action and thriller films, Rourke took a break from the spotlight and returned in the late 1990s to star in box office hits like The Rainmaker and Get Carter. Did we mention that Rourke is a bad boy? After hitting a rough patch in his life, Rourke turned to alcohol and boxing to get through his days. And, it’s no surprise then that, after getting knocked around the ring and then boozed up, Rourke looked pretty rough. At 62 years old, the actor and retired boxer opted for the true Beverly Hills fix: plastic surgery. From hair extensions and skin tightening to cheekbone and nose reconstruction, Rourke’s new look revived his career and even earned him an Oscar nominated role in The Wrestler.

#9 – Kenny Rogers

Kenny-Rogers“You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em.” As one of the most famous country singers of all time, Kenny Rogers knows a thing or two about gambling, at least when it comes to lyrics. With over 10 dozen singles released, including “The Gambler”, and over 100 million records sold around the globe, this Country Music Hall of Fame member is a true music legend.
Often seen (and heard) singing alongside the feisty Dolly Parton, Rogers surprised many when he took a brief break from the public eye and later emerged looking like an entirely different person. Despite his signature white beard remaining, long gone were Rogers’ rugged good looks thanks to a series of plastic surgeries that included a facelift and Botox injections. Obviously attempting to defy time, the music icon even had the bags under his eyes removed and his eyelids tightened (ouch!). Thankfully, even Rogers admits the surgery disaster – his face says it all!

#8 – Paul Stanley

Paul-StanleyFrom face paint and stage outfits to comic-book style characters and elaborate performances, the band KISS forever changed the world of hard rock music during the 1970s thanks, in part, to standout member Paul Stanley. Known as the “Starchild” of the band as a result of his softer, more romantic side, Stanley’s face makeup reflects a large black star on his face, which hid his real looks from fans for years. While the media focused on KISS front man Gene Simmons’ plastic surgery, fewer people paid much attention to Stanley’s new looks. Already into his early 60s and still touring, the rocker opted for multiple plastic surgeries including a face and brow lift, eyelid tightening, lip augmentation and rhinoplasty. Of course, once people finally noticed, they had something to say, most of which was criticism over the famous rocker’s now surprised “old man” look!


#7 – Simon Cowell

Simon-CowellKnown as the harshest talent critic in the world, Simon Cowell is one of the richest men in show business thanks to a successful career as a producer, talent scout and television show judge. From American Idol to The X-Factor, the British critic has made a name for himself as he has discovered some of the world’s greatest talent acts across the United States and the United Kingdom.
For a man who never sleeps, Cowell’s schedule began taking a toll on his good looks and rare-seen million dollar smile. With regular Botox injections to help revitalize his face, Cowell has upped his plastic surgery game when he recently was caught sporting a bandage near his ear, leading many to believe he had a skin tightening surgery to help better define his jawline. Who’s the critic now, Simon?

#6 – Ray Liotta

Ray-LiottaChances are, if you went to the movies during the 1980s and 1990s, you saw more of Ray Liotta than you ever imagined. Starring in the critically acclaimed Goodfellas and appearing in one of the best sports movies of all time, Field of Dreams, Liotta has built a career thanks to his outstanding acting talent, earning an Emmy Award and many other award nominations.
Unlike 20 years ago, much has changed for Liotta from his career to even his looks. Widely absent from the silver screen these days, Liotta has obviously aged less gracefully than others as a result of some horrific plastic surgery. After Liotta first went under the knife, the facelift and derma fillers caused him to look strange and even angry, leading many critics to claim the procedure was one of the worst botches in Hollywood history! Yikes! Now, Liotta’s eyes look far too tight and his face looks leathery. We can’t completely blame Liotta, though, as he at least tried to grow a beard to hide the lower half of those tragic results!



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