Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Woman Fattest Woman Looses Weight

Catrina Raiford, who used to weigh half a TONNE – more than a small car, has been left with a whopping ten stone of excess flesh to deal with following her remarkable weight loss and now look like that(photo above)…

Catrina Raiford, 38, was once the fattest woman in the world, weighing in at a scale-busting 68 stone but the former ‘Half Tonne Woman’ has been left with a whopping ten stone of excess flesh to deal with following her remarkable weight loss .
Bedbound for five years, medical professionals had to bulldozed the side of her home to free her from her bed after she suffered breathing difficulties.
The shock sent Ms Raiford on a strict diet and lost more than 36 stone.
Now she hopes to lose even more weight – and the TEN STONE of excess skin she has been left with.
Ms Raiford said:
“I’m so much happier now and feel so confident.
“I was in bed for so long that now I’ve lost the weight I just want to be free.
“I love running around, going to the gym three or four times a week and keeping fit.”
Good for her!


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