Tuesday 17 November 2015

Research Shows How Your ToothBrush Can Give You Dangerous Diseases

As humans, there are so many things we get entangled with and we mostly think they are just fine, especially our personal effects.

You wake up early in the morning with cold bustling your brain and nostrils and you wonder where you got it from when you had a rather hot sleep. After this early morning observation, you just move on, thinking, everything would be fine as the day goes by.
Sometimes, you even wonder why you keep itching despite being a hygiene freak? The answer often lies in the unlikeliest of places. If you’re the kind who has developed an emotional attachment to that lucky towel you’ve had for a year, or believe that washing your bed linen twice a month is good enough, this article is definitely for you. Here objects you use on a daily basis that you might need to change really quick!
1. Toothbrush
When your toothbrush has damaged bristles, it is a sign that you need to get a brand new one. According to Dentist Dr Sameera Ali says, “If you keep using a toothbrush beyond its life span, it won’t work as effectively, causing tartar and bacteria buildup. You think you’re brushing, but in effect it isn’t doing you any good.”
Dr Sitesh Roy, a US Board certified allergist, immunologist and asthma specialist, also advises you to get rid of your toothbrush the moment you recover from a viral infection, regardless of how new it may be as “the viral antigens may make your toothbrush a home, and cause another infection.”
2. Towel
It is laughable to know that quite a lot of people are attached to their towels because of one reason or the other. “Your towel can be a major source of irritants or allergens. It all comes down to how often you wash it, and how well it dries after. Ideally, wash your towel every alternate day and ensure it is completely dry, preferably sun-dried. The heat from the dryer might damage the fabric in the long run, but is known to kill bacteria too,” says Dr Roy.
Damp towels promote mould growth which cause allergies. Also, body odor causing bacteria often get stuck in the towel, so discard it the moment the towel starts emitting a foul odour.
3. Pillow Cover
On the list also is your pillow cover. Waking up with a stuffy nose every morning without you realizing it or even paying any attention to it is laughable. According to Dr Jaishree Sharad, a dermatologist, “The human body always has some bacteria on it, and if you think about it, you spend a substantial time every night in contact with your pillow cover. Even if it is seemingly clean, your pillow cover has dust mites, especially from your hair. This gives rise to various problems such as allergies, rashes, and acne. The weather causes high mould and fungal growth, so beddings can be potential reservoirs of allergies. Change your pillow every two years and the mattress every five years.”
4. Mascara
“Using the mascara beyond a certain time causes a host of problems, such as rashes along the upper eyelid that may spread to the lower lids, swelling of the eyes, fungal infections, dark circles due to pigmentation, itchiness and may ultimately cause you to lose your lashes,” warns Dr Sharad. “The constant application, opening and putting back the brush into the product can cause infections, caused by the transfer of bacteria from the skin to the product, which then multiplies if left over a long period of time.”
5. Lipstick
Discontinue usage of lipsticks after one year except you are ready to deal with blisters, rashes, pigmentation and dry, chapped lips. “This is especially true for matte and dark colored lipsticks, such as reds, oranges and maroons which don’t come off easily,” says Dr Sharad. “Refrain from using these dark colours daily. Those who have sensitive lips or dark lips would do better by staying away from flavored lip balms. Go for the non menthol, non-flavored, plain ones instead.”
I bet you will think it is now time to go throw away that toothbrush, towel and pillow case you have been using for donkey years and months. Remember, health is wealth!


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