Friday 6 November 2015

SHOC'KING PHOTOS - Man Who Drinks 2 Liters Of Alcohol A Day Grows Horse's Neck

 A man who drank two liters of spirits daily for more than thirty years has developed a tumour around his throat that resemles a horse’s neck, Guangzhou, China.

Hong Shu can’t eat, sleep or breathe properly after ten years ago his body fromed a swelling behind both of his ears and gradually spread to around his neck area. Hong was dubbed as the man with the horse, cow and even camel’s neck.
   Man-in-Guangzhou-in-China-suffering-from-Madelung-disease (1)
The man became withdrawn, deeply depressed and began avoiding people. After examinations and X-rays, doctors diagnosed Hong with Madelung disease and blamed his excessive drinking for triggering a disease.

The condition is very rare and characterized by extensive symmetric fat deposits in the head, neck, and shoulder girdle area. In reported case series, up to 90% of patients have a history of chronic alcoholism, and there is a strong male predominance.

Hong consumed up to two litres of Chinese alcohol bajiu a day, meaning he downed tens of thousands of litres of the liquor. At the time of his first operation Hong’s throat was more than15,24cm wide and around 13,97cm long. But after three successive surgeries to remove the fatty tissue Hong can start a new sober life.


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