Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Adele covers Time Magazine,calls celebrity obsession with social media ridiculous

After making history for having the highest-selling first week album in music history, with 3.38 million 
copies of her album, 25, sold ,Adele still can't understand why Americans have gone mad for her tracks. 
She tells Time
"It's a bit ridiculous. I'm not even from America, "Maybe they think I'm related to the Queen. Americans are obsessed with the royal family."
She also admitted she doesn't get the idea of  celebrities obsessed with social media ..She said
"It's ridiculous that high-­profile people have that much access to the public," How am I supposed to write a real record if I'm waiting for half a million likes on a photo? That ain't real."
She also revealed she doesn't play music of artists who become horrible because of fame  
  "Some artists, the bigger they get, the more horrible they get, and the more unlikable," "I don't care if you make an amazing album—if I don't like you, I ain't getting your record. I don't want you being played in my house if I think you're a bastard"

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