Wednesday, 2 December 2015

how to start up a mini cafe

You might be thinking of setting up a cyber cafe and all you have got is just a very low capital that cant even purchase more than one Computer, see below
list of things you might need to setup a mini or standard cyber cafe 

2. COMPLETE DESKTOP SYSTEM(2 systems , two of them are servers but one is a backup server in case of server failure)
3. ETHERNET SWITCH( from 16 ports up)

Thin clients as the name sound are small disk-less machines that houses Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) through which information are processed by the server. Here, the server houses all the network resources; applications, internet, materials, etc and the Network resources can be accessed through the thin clients terminals attached to the server at the same time

1.   Monitors (Flat Screen or Desktop)
2.   Pentium 4 cpu
3.   UPS
4.   Stabilizers
5.   Keyboards and Mouse 
6.   24/7 Broadband Internet Connection
7.   Ticket Printing Software
8.   Ticket Printing Machine
9.   Cafe Time
10.  Network Equipments(Router, Switch etc)
11.  Server System

For you to setup a cafe with all the requirement listed above, you should be budgetting close to 400,000 Naira, do you think you have such huge amount of 
money to procure all i have listed above, if your answer is NO, then i will give you a complete materials and guides that will show you how to setup your
own Mini Cyber Cafe for just N30,000, if you are surprise about this, i can set it up for you any where you are located in Nigeria if you dought me, 

See what the Mini Cafe will setup for you for as low as N 30,000
1.   8 Computers (CPU and Monitor)
2.   8 Keybooards & Mouse
3.   UPS
4.   Ticket Printing Software
5.   Cafe Time
6.   Ticket Printing Machine
7.   24/7 Internet Connection with 700Kbs Download speed

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