Jay Philbrick is a professional wedding photographer who offers couples to test their love and trust by putting their lives in each other’s hands.

And some daredevils are ready to take the challenge, bride and groom Christie Sulkoski and Kevin Coleman, are one of them.
To test their new marriage to the limit they called Mr Philbrick and agreed to hang off the cliff in their full wedding outfits for the jaw-dropping pictures.

Jay, who worked as a mountain guide for years, sets up shoots in the most weird and wonderful locations, including ice cliffs, steep snow slopes and even underwater.

Speaking about his passion he said: ‘They are all fun but have their own special challenges, they usually come off without a hitch. We don’t go looking for trouble.

I was a climbing guide for a long time and have had extensive training in risk management, client care, rope work, avalanche hazards, and so on. So, these are all environments we have a lot of experience in.

Once the couple is in place, I direct them into different poses and shoot from different locations and angles with different lenses to get a variety of looks. I am often hanging off the side of the cliff and am sometimes to the side, right above, or even on the same ledge with them.

For most of the images we try to use posing and camera angle to hide the ropes and anchors, there is no Photoshop whenever possible. Sometimes something sticks out a little due to an oversight and I remove it in post, but I try really hard to just have all the safety gear hidden.”

His portfolio include models, pageant queens, and dancers, all looking for extreme photographic adventure!
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