Thursday 7 January 2016

Prince George had his first day of Montessori school today & there are photos

OMG!!! Prince George had his first day of nursery school today in Norfolk, and the @KensingtonRoyal Twitter account released two new photos of the little guy. The Cambridges made the announcement that George would be attending nursery school back in December. He’s attending the Westacre Montessori School Nursery. I’m sort of surprised that they didn’t release photos including Will and Kate, you know? George looks all alone!
A few days ago, I was reading this Daily Beast piece about what we can expect from the
British royal family in 2016. It was mostly “more of the same,” probably with Charles taking on more and more of his mother’s workload, but there was one small piece of news from the DB’s royal-gossip guy:
Kate and William are said to want a third child, and there is little doubt in the minds of many royal-watchers that Kate would like ideally to get pregnant again this year. She is expected to keep her royal engagements to a minimum, focusing on a few high-profile, high-impact events for favored charities such as Action on Addiction.
[From The Daily Beast]
It’s a little bit funny to me that some people use that as an excuse for Kate’s low event numbers: she’s in a perpetual state of pregnancy or almost being pregnant, so of course she would never gear up and really do three events a week, because then she would have to gear down when she got pregnant! It makes perfect sense. Life & Style claims in this week’s issue that Kate is already knocked up, but I don’t think she is. I think she wants to get pregnant again this year and I think William is kind of meh on having three kids.


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