Friday 8 January 2016

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

I never get tired of saying it – I love me a good free tool.

This article is dedicated to the best – those free SEO tools that I use frequently and give me that warm, fuzzy feeling. It’s nice to have a huge arsenal, but it can be more powerful to wield a few powerful weapons expertly, so I’ve included some links and tips on how to make these tools work harder for you.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

At the end of this article, you’ll find the 2015 version of this list with notes on changes. There’s also a bonus list of links to more free SEO tools.

Without further ado, here are my current fifteen favorite freebies.

Top 5 Website Checker Tools to Audit Your SEO - My Favourite 

1. Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is one of the most advanced and complete SEO services on the market, focusing specifically on link intelligence and domain-based metrics. The tools it has to offer include the Site Explorer, Backlink History tool, Keyword Checker, Comparator and a Clique Hunter. The comparative tools require a paid subscription, but the free account is enough if you’re only interested in your own blog(s).

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

2. IIS SEO Toolkit

The IIS SEO Toolkit has Site Analysis, Robots Exclusion, Sitemaps and Site Index modules. The Site Analysis module has a full-featured crawler engine as well as a Query Builder interface to generate custom reports. The Robots Exclusion module shows robots’ content and lets you set "allow" and "disallow" paths, while the Sitemaps and Site Index module lets you view, edit and delete sitemap and site index files.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider is an extensive website crawling tool that will help you analyze and audit your website for maximum search engine optimization. The SEO Spider checks your website’s links, CSS, scripts, images and apps to identify problems such as duplicate pages, broken links, URI issues and redirect errors.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

4. Google Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner is like a workshop for building new Search Network campaigns or expanding existing ones. You can search for keyword and ad group ideas, get historical statistics, see how a list of keywords might perform, and even create a new keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords together. A free AdWords tool, Keyword Planner can also help you choose competitive bids and budgets to use with your campaigns.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

5. Virante SEO Tools

Virante offers a number of on-site and off-site SEO tools for free on their website. On-site tools include a Duplicate Content Tool, an LDA Content Optimizer and a Density of Keyword Tool. Amongst the off-site tools are a Competitive Analysis Tool, a Link Atrophy Tool and a PageRank Recovery Tool. Virante also offer miscellaneous tools like a Clean IP Tool and a HTTP Header Check Tool.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

More SEO Tools To Optimize Your Website - 

6. Google Webmaster Tools

Cost: Free

Perhaps the best way to understand the way Google sees your site is to ask Google. Google’s Webmaster Tools are novice-friendly resources that explain the fundamentals of Google search.

For example, Google’s Fetch as Google tool allows you to see a particular URL as Google sees it, which is critical when troubleshooting for poor SEO performance. The information returned can help you modify the page in question for better results, and can even help you isolate problematic code when you believe your site's been hacked.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

Each week users are allotted 500 fetches. If you come close to hitting your limit, you'll see a notification on the report.

Another great feature of Google Webmaster Tools is PageSpeed Insights. This tool measures the performance of both your desktop and mobile site in terms of speed. With mobile search queries surpassing desktop searches, page speed is becoming increasingly important to businesses that want to hold on to their visitors. 

"The PageSpeed Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well. Please note that PageSpeed Insights is being continually improved and so the score will change as we add new rules or improve our analysis," according to Google Developers

7. Check My Links

Cost: Free

To ensure that your links on a webpage -- whether external or internal -- actually work, check out Check My Links.

This broken link checker makes it easy for a publisher or editor to make corrections before a page is live. Think about a site like Wikipedia, for example. The Wikipedia page for the term "marketing" contains a whopping 711 links. Not only was Check My Links able to detect this number in a matter of seconds, but it also found (and highlighted) seven broken links.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

The tool highlights all the good links in green, and those that are broken in red, making it easy to spot the ones that don’t work or are no longer active.

8. Moz Pro Tools

Cost: Free 30-day trial, then paid plans from $99/mo - $599/mo

The Moz Pro subscription serves as an all-in-one tool for increasing your business' search ranking. Moz's collection of research tools provides subscribers with the resources they need to identify SEO opportunities, track growth, build reports, and optimize their overall efforts. 

For example, the Crawl Test tool employ's Moz's own web crawler, RogerBot, to analyze up to 3,000 links on a given URL. Once completed, users then receive an email report that details the data for each page the site links to.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

This is super helpful if you're looking to identify crawlability factors such as duplicate content and redirects that could be influencing your SEO performance.

9. SEO Report Card

Cost: Free

SEO Report Card by UpCity lets you analyze your website to determine how it stacks up against your competitors.

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

In exchange for a bit of your contact information, SEO Report Card will serve up a report that covers the following:

  • Rank Analysis - A snapshot of where your website ranks on Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Your ranking is based on the main keyword you selecting when putting information in to build the report. 
  • Link Building - A detailed account of the number of websites that link back to your site. 
  • On-Site Analysis - A look at how successful you were in incorporating your main keyword throughout your site. 
  • Website Accessibility - A section focused on your site's load time and ease of accessibility for crawlers.
  • Trust Metrics - An overview of your site's level of trust or authority. 
  • Current Indexing - An indication of how many of your site pages have been indexed.

10. HubSpot's Website Grader

Cost: Free

Back in 2007, HubSpot released a tool called Website Grader that helped businesses uncover search engine optimization opportunities. Since a lot has changed since then, they recently released a new and improved version of the tool. 

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

Website Grader is an online tool that generates personalized reports based on the following key metrics:

  • Performance - They look into your site's page size, requests, speed, and then some. 
  • Mobile Readiness - They check to see if your website is mobile-friendly in terms of responsiveness and viewport settings.
  • SEO - They determine if your website is easy to find -- by both humans and bots. This determination will take factors like page titles and meta descriptions into consideration.
  • Security - They look for things like an SSL certificate. This serves as a way to prove to visitors that your site is both authentic and safe for contact information submissions.
All you need is your website URL and an email address to get started. Simply plug in your information and you can expect a score (1-100) as well as a detailed report in just a matter of seconds. 

Aside from Website Grader, HubSpot also has a handful of paid SEO tools to help you better direct your efforts.

For example, within the HubSpot Blogging App, users will find as-you-type SEO suggestions. This helpful inclusion serves as a checklist for content creators of all skill levels. HubSpot customers also have access to the Page Performance AppSources Report, and the Keyword App. The HubSpot Marketing Platform will provide you with the tools you need to research keywords, monitor their performance, track organic search growth, and diagnose pages that may not be fully optimized.

11. Google Trends 

Cost : Free

Marketers who know where the puck is heading tend to win more. Google Trends shows changes in search query volume for specific queries (and topics and entities).

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

For marketers, especially in volatile industries like technology and fashion, it’s critical to at least keep up with the market. And, if you can master online trends analysis and get a step ahead of the competition, the results can be quite profitable indeed. For search marketers, it’s plain good sense to analyze changes in search query behavior. Even everyday writers can improve their results by understanding which topics are trending. Bottom line: while often overlooked, Trends is an extremely powerful tool in the right hands.

12. Woorank

Cost: Free 14-day trial, then $49/mo for a Pro Plan or $149/mo for a Premium Plan

Woorank's in-depth site analysis helps marketers reveal opportunities for optimization and improvement. This analysis takes into account the performance of existing SEO initiatives, social media, usability, and more. 

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

Each report is divided into eight sections:

  • Marketing Checklist 
  • SEO 
  • Mobile
  • Usability
  • Technologies 
  • Social 
  • Local 
  • Visitors
Spanning across 70+ metrics, it would be hard -- if not impossible -- to not uncover opportunities for improvement. 

As an added bonus, Woorank makes it easy for users to download their reviews as branded PDFs. This makes company-wide distribution and presentation more streamlined than ever.

13. Found's SEO Audit Tool

Cost: Free

Want to rise above your competitors on search engine results pages?

(Who doesn't?)

The SEO Audit Tool by Found is an easy-to-use tool for marketers looking to identify (and solve) common SEO errors on a website. 

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

Simply enter your URL and receive an instant automated SEO audit of your site. Found's SEO Audit Tool is broken down into three main parts:

  • Technical issues - This takes factors like domain canonicalization and XML sitemaps into consideration.
  • Content issues - This focuses on influential factors like keywords and meta data.
  • External link analysis - This aims to evaluate the quantity and quality of external links.

Similar to Woorank, once you run a report, the tool makes it easy for you to download the results as a PDF to be easily shared within your organization.

14.  Remove'em

Cost: $249 per domain or a subscription option starting at $99/mo

Have you ever purchased links? Spammed the comments section on a string of blogs using the same message and link? If so, we'll forgive your bad judgment just this once ... but Google won't. 

Artificial or unnatural links have the potential to seriously hurt your search ranking. To clean them up, check out Remove'em:

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

This helpful tool scans your backlink profile and turns up a list of contact information for the links and domains you'll need to reach out to for removal. Alternatively, the tool also allows you to export the list if you wish to disavow them using Google's tool. (Essentially, this tool tells Google not to take these links into account when crawling your site.)

15. Varvy's SEO Overview Tool

Cost: Free

This SEO auditing tool provides users with information regarding their domain strength, links, image SEO, social counts and mentions, page/technical SEO, page speed, and more.

The comprehensive report is prepared in less than a minute, and dives deep into different aspects of your website's performance. You'll notice that the tool employs green checks, red Xs, and yellow exclamation points to denote the severity of the issue.

One the our favorite features is the detailed image overview:

Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know

This section of the report focuses on the strength of the images your website employs by analyzing the alt text. If you're using too many words, missing alt text, or the alt text appears weak, the tool will notify you so that you can make any necessary changes.


This was our definitive rundown about the Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know, we are certain that these article would have been proven useful for a considerable lot of the users out there. On the off chance that you have any sort questions left identified with these tricks then lend your inquiries in the comment box. Any of our team members will hit them up in no time. 

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