Friday, 15 January 2016

What Do You Hope to See in Tech in 2016?

It’s a new year which means more innovations to look forward to in technology. For the last few years, the big innovations seemed to revolve around wearable technology. But what will it be this year? What do you hope you will see in 2016? We posed this question to our
Derrik wants to see the bigger companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple “taking our privacy and security more seriously.” For sure that would be nice to see, and privacy and security is definitely a concern of most people. We just need these bigger companies to care as much as we do.
Virtual reality is always something people look forward to, and Mahesh has a specific direction he’d like to see it go in 2015. He’d like to see a virtual reality eCommerce shop where you could “buy products as if you were buying from a physical shop.” He feels something like that would definitely be a “big milestone” in tech advancement.
Judy would like to see innovations go backwards instead of forward. She’d be interested in more smartphones with a removal battery and MIcroSD card. She remarked she’d like it to be “like the good old days.” Certainly it would be great if we could keep the older innovations and not lose them as we gain new ones.
Damien wants to see a convergence of desktops and tablets. He’s interested in seeing a mobile operating system such as Android or iOS able to function just the same on a desktop. I’d like to see something similar. I’d like to see more of a convergence of entertainment and the Internet. The new Apple TV is closer, but I’d like to be able to record something on my DVR and be able to watch it on my device and would like to be able to browse the Web on my streaming device.
Of course we’ve only scratched the surface here with just a few opinions of things we’d like to see this year. What would you like to see in 2016? Are you looking forward to the same things we are or do you have different ideas altogether? Let us know below in the comments.

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