LOS ANGELES – An exclusive interview with Stevie Wonder has revealed shocking information about Stevie Wonder himself. According to Stevie Wonder himself, he has lived his entire life not knowing he was black.
Upon being asked by reporter David Martinez: “How does it feel to be black and knowing there is still racism alive, but not being able to see it, only hear about it”; Stevie Wonder responded with “I’m black?” At that point, Stevie Wonder’s manager Keith Harris approached Stevie and had an inaudible private talk with Stevie. It is apparent that Keith was letting Stevie Wonder know that he was, in fact, black, as Stevie Wonder came back and sat back down on the interview chair with a puzzled look on his face.
Stevie Wonder was born six weeks premature in 1950. This premature birth caused Stevie to develop Retinopathy of Prematurity, a condition that causes the growth of the eyes to abort and the retinas to detach, this leaving Stevie Wonder blind at birth. Stevie has no memory of how anything in this world looks, as he was too young to remember any of it.
“We thought he knew” said Keith Harris, “I mean, how could he not know, He’s like 62 or 64 years old or something, man this is crazy, Did he think he was a white man this whole time? According to a later statement, “Stevie Wonder admitted that he though he was white. A very revealing day for Stevie Wonder, we hope Stevie can cope with the news.
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