Monday, 19 October 2015

see reason why you should stop thinking too much

A stressed man was in his office thinking deeply. Suddenly one man ran inside. shouting "Paul, Paul, Paul your daughter Swanta just had an accident and died" Shocked and confused, He jumped out of his office through the window. As soon as he does, he remembered his office is on the 7th floor, as he descends lower, he remembered he doesn't have a daughter called Swanta, still descending, he remembered he's not even married, just 2 floors b4 he hits the ground, he remembered his name is not Paul...! Luckily for him, he fell on a Lorry carrying foams. ... Stop thinking too much in this world of troubles.. God is always in control.. Relax, Grab a glass of chilled Juice, and also...... Keep praying until something happens. Happy World Mental Health Day.

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